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Pregnancy brings new experiences, including physical and emotional challenges that come with your body’s rapid changes. Among these, insomnia or difficulty in sleeping is common among expectant and surrogate mothers.

Insomnia during pregnancy can stem from many factors, including physical discomfort, like hip and back pain, emotional stress, frequent bathroom trips, and hormonal shifts.

Here are some strategies to help overcome pregnancy insomnia and achieve better sleep.

1. Establish a better pre-sleep routine

If late nights, TV binging, or snacking close to bedtime are a part of your routine, it might be time for a change. Establishing a calm pre-sleep ritual can set the tone for a good night’s rest.


  • Having dinner at least an hour before bed.
  • Engaging in relaxation activities such as reading, meditation, or a soothing bath.
  • Dressing in comfortable sleepwear and immersing in calming music or ambient sounds.

2. Try relaxation and calming techniques

Pregnancy comes with a lot of ups and downs. Morning sickness, physical discomforts, and common worries of soon-to-be-parents can increase your anxiety. As with normal sleeping patterns, unwinding is a calming way to soothe your mind and body before you sleep.

Exercises like meditation are a great way to do this, allowing you to focus on your breathing. Even reading a book can have a relaxing effect, reading until you feel sleepy.

Soaking in a hot bath is always a helpful way to relax your body too, soothing any tension and pain in your muscles. Ensure that your bath is not too hot, no more than 102.2F for more than 10 minutes, as you don’t want your body temperature to become too high.

Learn more about how to overcome pregnancy fatigue.

3. Opt for a healthy diet

While pregnancy cravings are real, it’s crucial to maintain a balanced diet. Overindulging in spicy, fatty, or sugary foods can cause heartburn or digestive issues that disrupt sleep.

Stay hydrated and consume antioxidant-rich foods. Drinking the recommended eight glasses of fluid, especially water, each day will help your body. However, try to do this earlier in the day, reducing your evening intake, so that you don’t continually wake to use the bathroom through the night. 

If some foods cause discomfort, consider consuming them earlier in the day or avoiding them altogether.

Caffeine products, like coffee, keep you stimulated, which is the opposite of what you need when you’re trying to sleep. Avoid having caffeine in the afternoon and evening as this will impact your sleep.

4. Stay physically active

Staying active during pregnancy, with your doctor’s advice, can have multiple benefits, including better sleep quality. A simple 30-minute routine can help in reducing risks associated with prolonged inactivity and ensure a healthy delivery.

5. Address sleep disorders

Pregnancy might intensify pre-existing sleep issues. If you’ve been experiencing persistent sleep difficulties, consult a healthcare professional to adjust any treatments or medications, ensuring optimal health for both you and the baby.

6. Use Pregnancy Pillows

When it comes to sleeping positions during later pregnancy, your best option is sleeping on your side. As your baby grows, your bump will increase the pressure on your back and hips, so pregnancy pillows are recommended to provide support for your whole body.

A pregnancy pillow has many benefits, which include keeping your neck, back and hips aligned while you sleep, improving circulation, reducing the pressure on your back, and stopping you from rolling over onto your back.

As the pregnancy progresses, the growing belly might require additional support. Ensure your mattress caters to your changing body; some are specifically designed to support pregnant bodies.

7. Set a consistent sleeping schedule

Establishing a regular sleep pattern by setting a bedtime and wake-up time can help your body’s internal clock get accustomed, leading to improved sleep quality.

Having trouble sleeping will not bring any harm to you or the baby, but it is advised to get as much rest as possible during your pregnancy.

If you’d like to find out more about how Joy of Life Surrogacy can help, contact us today.

*This article was reviewed by our founder and CEO, Joy Millan.

Joy Millan

Author Joy Millan

I’m Joy, the founder and CEO of Joy of Life. With a professional background as a fertility clinician, I’ve spent thousands of hours working with surrogates and intended parents alike. As a mother of two, I often wished for more support and a deeper commitment to care for those embarking on non-traditional family-building journeys. This is why I established Joy of Life: to create a more robust, compassionate experience in parenthood for both parties involved with surrogacy. In 2021, I stepped back from daily operations at Joy of Life to fight cancer. Fortunately, the combined 20 years of experience from our incredible team has allowed me to focus on my health & recovery. I continue to provide company guidance and serve as the head liaison for our network of doctors, clinicians and caregivers.

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